I started riding motorcycles a few years ago and I immediately set out to find a faith-based motorcycle group to become a part of.  I found several organizations but one really stood out to me, the Baptist Bikers of Kentucky.  I met up with this group on a benefit ride in September of 2021.  Immediately I knew I found a group of men and women who truly wanted to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ and, also, had a huge heart for the motorcycle community.  

Since that time, I have experienced a tremendous growth in my personal faith and in my desire, and ability, to share the gospel with friends and total strangers; something that was never easy for me to do.  I never dreamed of using my motorcycle as an evangelism tool, much less preaching and teaching as a direct result of the influence of these brothers and sisters in the Baptist Bikers, coupled with finally heeding God's calling.  

On a fellowship ride, in May of 2022, to Maggie Valley, NC, I had a lot of time to pray and listen as we covered the miles between my home in Eastern Kentucky and Maggie Valley.  When we pulled in to the hotel that evening, I spoke with my friend and brother, Randy McPheron, about the idea for weekly devotions that would be focused to to the motorcycle community but would also be accessible to anyone.  It was in that moment that Biker Devotionals was born and I never imagined it would grow in the way that it has since the day of that simple conversation in a hotel parking lot.  

I am grateful, and humbled, that God felt He could use me in any capacity to further His Kingdom and to fulfill the Great Commission.

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